Not to rain on your parade, but the IRS gets complaints like this all the time from people who are aggrieved for one reason or another against an organization. Scientology is a good example of that. It's like reporting your ex to the welfare fraud line. They can see right through what you are trying to do. The IRS typically goes after ill-informed or ill-advised celebrities like Wesley Snipes, Nicolas Cage, Willie Nelson, or Marlon Brando. They might be rich, but they can't muster the legal teams that the WTS and Scientology can. The IRS picks and chooses its fights. Some aren't worth it. Especially organizations that are non-profit and 'tax-exempt'. The WTS will fight back with a full legal onslaught that will take years to litigate, and the IRS knows it.
Sic Semper Tyrannis
JoinedPosts by Sic Semper Tyrannis
Will the IRS Investigate the Watchtower Society?
by ABibleStudent inif you feel that the wtbts is breaking a tax law(s), you can send a letter to investigate the wtbts to the irs to:.
department of the treasuryinternal revenue servicemc 4910 dal1100 commerce streetdallas, tx 75242 .
the irs will investigate complaints about the wtbts, but it will not investigate the wtbts without compliants being sent to the irs.
The Society is to be commended...
by cedars inwell, we spend enough time on this forum criticizing the society don't we?
i think we should even this out by commending them whenever they get something right.. for example, the cover of the 2012 yearbook is a vast improvement on the year before!.
graphics guy: so ed, what pictures do you want on our 2011 yearbook cover?
Sic Semper Tyrannis
Just horrible copy through and through. The WTS seems to believe their own stereotypes about people all over the world and how they live. An African scene will show a thatched hut somewhere in the background with shirtless locals to fill in the scene. Never will it be some apartment block in urban Nigeria, which is the scene you are more likely to encounter. You'll see a still from Crocodile Dundee before you'll see an Aussie suburb. The Estonia pic is particularly insulting, both to the modern day inhabitants and to anyone who's been there recently. The peasant woman with the headscarf is a direct homage to the former Soviet Union, of which modern Estonia resembles very little of. What next? Witnesses hiking up some rocky and windswept outcropping and speaking to men in kilts? It all fits in perfectly with the world viewpoint from HQ. Stick a few foreign faces in there, preferably poor, conveniently brown, and it's proof that the JWs are not in fact the curiously 19th century American religion that they are. The WTS would actually do themselves some good by consulting with an advertising agency when compiling publications such as this. Whatever they are printing, it's just not selling anymore.
Where To By Crisis of Conscience
by binadub inmaybe this information has surfaced here before, but if so it is worth repeating periodically:.
a couple weeks ago i was shocked after doing a google search for crisis of conscience when it brought up amazon with four distributors selling the book in soft-cover for collector prices between $169.95 us to over $650, with only 4 copies available.
hard cover was not available new, and used copies were being sold for over $50-75.
Sic Semper Tyrannis
So the Franzs sold these printing rights to Amazon? How does that work? Did Cynthia get a pay-out, or is it quantity-based? It's a wonder how she doesn't get disfellowshipped now that she's directly involved with distributing "apostate" literature. In the past, she could have rightfully said that it was her husband's business, not hers. Perhaps they are tired of that family and want no further part of it.
WT is a cash cow for who? do the GB know they are frauds?
by thecrushed inas i've understood it the gb has taken a vow of poverty.
on jwn they are constantly accused of guilt tripping their subjects to keep distributing there literature to make converts in order to keep growing the number of donations which is a valid point.
i ask this question in all honesty and naivety to see where the truth of the matter lies.
Sic Semper Tyrannis
As Nixon said, "When the President does it, that means it is not illegal." I'm sure these GB members and their staff believe something along the same lines. They are Jehovah's representatives, and they can only be corrected by Him. They don't think they're frauds as long as they still believe that Jehovah is directing them. They are His puppets, and any error they make is due to their own human nature and He will take care of it in due time.
Nathan Knorr's own circuit assembly badge?
by FatFreek 2005 infor what it's worth, the following image was sent to me in an anonymous email so i can't testify to its authenticity.
she (or he, since it wasn't signed) says he/she was one of the bethel housekeepers and spotted the name tag in a waste basket.
at that time, the early 70's, knorr was regarded by many, including this person, (though disliked by even many bethelites) as god-like.
Sic Semper Tyrannis
What bothers me about Rutherford is that after he told children to spend their vacation time in spreading his curious philosophies around and putting their own lives at risk, he headed to his five-star hotel. Once the convention was over, he jetted off to his mansion in San Diego and had his servants refill his scotch while lounging at his own pool in his bathing suit. I doubt the man ever set foot on the streets of San Diego. He probably didn't even know how to get to his mansion. His driver met him at the airport and he was well into his second drink by the time he got "home". This was a man who deserved to have King David, Moses, and John the Baptist (oh sorry, John the Baptizer) drop in on him one day and throw him out onto the street. This was a man who abused the entire "freedom of religion" notion and by all that is good and fair should have been sitting in prison for libel and fraud until the day he died.
Nathan Knorr's own circuit assembly badge?
by FatFreek 2005 infor what it's worth, the following image was sent to me in an anonymous email so i can't testify to its authenticity.
she (or he, since it wasn't signed) says he/she was one of the bethel housekeepers and spotted the name tag in a waste basket.
at that time, the early 70's, knorr was regarded by many, including this person, (though disliked by even many bethelites) as god-like.
Sic Semper Tyrannis
This convention badge belongs in an Armageddon museum right next to Fred Franz's pocket protector. Knorr certainly wasn't one of the nicest people around. The only positive things I can think about him were his acceptance of the necessity of a high school education, the founding of Gilead and the Ministry School, and the dropping of the Rutherfordian diatribes against marriage, and having children. The Judge would have told you to drop out of school and into field service while working your way into Bethel.
Where To By Crisis of Conscience
by binadub inmaybe this information has surfaced here before, but if so it is worth repeating periodically:.
a couple weeks ago i was shocked after doing a google search for crisis of conscience when it brought up amazon with four distributors selling the book in soft-cover for collector prices between $169.95 us to over $650, with only 4 copies available.
hard cover was not available new, and used copies were being sold for over $50-75.
Sic Semper Tyrannis
If the folks at the WT had brains, they'd use their considerable resources to buy up and hoard most of these copies, sell them at amazon for inflated prices, and compare the lists of buyers against non-DFed publisher records at Bethel and start DFing people. It would be their final parting shot at Ray.
Do the Governing Body members ever go Door-to-Door?
by 00DAD inin his book, in search of christian freedom, ray franz wrote that that gb members for the most part never participated in door-to-door work.
they were "too busy with more important things.
" (gee, how come that excuse wouldn't work for the rest of us?
Sic Semper Tyrannis
A CO once put it to me this way: The Witnesses are organized like a military unit and command structure. The GB are the Generals. The Service Department are the Colonels. The DOs and COs are the Lieutenants. Elders are the Sargeants, and the Ministerial Servants are the Corporals. Everyone else are Privates. The actual fighting (preaching) is done by the lower ranks. Jehovah needs to have such a highly organized and discliplined organization, and everyone has their own roles to play.
GB members are notorious for being too busy to find much time in field service. Though it's unfair to say that they never go out in field service, they do count their time giving talks and get to report a decent amount of hours. The GB wives are another matter altogether.
I Hate Jehovah's Witnesses, and I Eat Small Children for Breakfast
by Dogpatch ini also tie frogs to wooden boards and send them sailing down small streams.. i pop the eyeballs out of the homeless.. i curse god to his face.
i am worse than the devil.. lol.
i love all the comments on my site re: my most recent of articles.
Sic Semper Tyrannis
Damn, you Angelenos with your palm trees and beach scenery! In the Bay Area, we banished you all to a place... you might have heard of it... Santa Cruz. I know I'm a San Franciscan when there's nothing more I'd like to smell in the morning than the boiled Dungeness crabs and the clam chowder sourdough bowls on Fishermen's Wharf. Our sunset is seen over the hills from a Napa Valley winery after a few glasses in. That's the life. But you can't blame us. The Pacific is 50 degrees cold and the fog is our notable environmental characteristic. I haven't lived in northern California for over ten years, but I annoy everyone here with my constant references to it. Oh by the way, suck it Dodgers and Angels! I'll take our Giants and A's anyday. Go Niners! Even the Raiders, though it would be helpful if you guys actually had an NFL team to hate.
Is the WTS and the JW's going to collapse in 2014?
by braincleaned intwo years to go, and an embarrassing whole century will have gone by after 1914 -- the date of armageddon.
in no world is that a "short period of time".... .
let's put things in perspective, since the wts claims to be the channel god has choosen.
Sic Semper Tyrannis
This is directed at no one in particular, so please don't mistake me. I understand the schadenfreude we all must feel regarding the WT's eventual decline. I admit to getting pleasure from it, and it's one of the many reasons I visit this forum. I enjoy getting news out of the Society I wouldn't get unless I asked my family members still in a specific question. I would have never known about the branch closures or the abbreviated magazines if it weren't for this place. The Society's decline from the Awake! being cut to one a month, and now for the two public magazines to shrink to 16 pages has been well documented here and the theories are sound. Should there be a collapse, while it would certainly be noteworthy, in the end you'll still have a rump and mountebank organization running out of upstate New York issuing dictates with that familiar letterhead along with what remains of their publications all in digital format. What is worse is that many people will still follow its direction. The cover story will be that the Great Tribulation is so close that they are centralizing everything in order to prepare for the harsh measures to come. Where we gain our satisfaction from is the fact that the publishing empire in itself would have collapsed, and the fire sale will be on. Smaller and more rural congregations will be dissolved, with the property sold off. Many will start meeting in private homes, and the KHs that still remain will be in larger populated areas. In fact, it might even be cheaper in many cases to sell off the Hall and rent space from grange halls, veterans hall, or (gasp!) churches. My point is that the movement will continue on, though in a much more penurious and hastily organized manner. The immediate future is going to be very revealing, and I will be always looking for news of anything related. What we shouldn't do is let this organization consume us like it did in the past. It'll be fun to watch, but it's important to move on with our lives. Again, not directed at anyone in particular. I enjoy the ex-JW community, and would love to do activities with them that have scarcely a mention of JWs.